"The Spirit of Truth" John 14:15-20


"The Spirit of Truth" John 14:15-20

Jesus tells His disciples that their love for Him will result in obedience to His commands. He has called them to be vessels of love in the world. Then He shows them that He isn't leaving them to their own resources but will give them the Holy Spirit to be the empowerment for all He commands. We have been given the great privilege of living in a dynamic relationship with the Divine presence. Just as the Son is in the Father and the Father in the Son. We are in Him and He lives in us. He lives in us, that He might express His life through us. God doesn't need anything from us. Our righteousness is a gift we receive but our neighbors, the world we live in certainly needs to experience our righteous works empowered by Him.
Sunday, July 4, 2021

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