
"Elihu Speaks Rebuking Job and his Friends" Job 32-37

July 11, 2024
When Job and his friends finally stop with the accusations and self-defense, Elihu speaks rebuking all of them. He was a younger man and hesitant to speak but couldn't remain quiet any longer. He points them all back to the majesty and glory of God. He declares that God is alw...


"Days of Affliction" Job 25-31

July 09, 2024
Bildad makes his final argument against Job. His position is that no one can be righteous before God. He has a very low anthropology in that man is just a worm and so Job's insisting to hold onto his integrity is an affront to God. Job also gives a final defense. He feels aba...


"He Will Complete What He Appoints For Me" Job 22-24

July 04, 2024
The argument continues with false accusations explaining the reason for Job's suffering and Job's forceful self-defense. He claims that none of them can show him a liar and is certain that God will complete what He has appointed for him. His friends are certain of their underst...


"The Wicked Prosper" Job 20-21

July 02, 2024
Zophar accuses Job of wickedness. In his theology it is is obvious that suffering is the direct result of wickedness and turning away from God. God responds with it is very obvious that wicked often prosper in this world while the righteous suffer. They were all suffering from...


"My Redeemer Lives" Job 18-19

June 27, 2024
Bildad makes the argument that God punishes the wicked and it is obvious to him that Job is being punished by God. Job recognizes his suffering and it would be easy to accuse but he knows his redeemer lives. He isn't claiming perfection. He is testifying his redeemer is alive ...


"Miserable Comforters" Job 15-17

June 25, 2024
In this passage Job is accused of not fearing the Lord and yet God had declared to Satan that Job was one who feared the Lord and turned from evil. Job's friends were accusing him falsely and he felt the need to set the record straight. There is a lesson for us to learn, that w...


"The Hand of the Lord has Done This" Job11-14

June 20, 2024
Job finds himself in a back and forth argument with his friends in an attempt for them to identify the cause of his suffering and his need for self-defense. Our hope is never in our own righteousness but in the gift of God's grace. Job was having a difficult time seeing his nee...


"He Crushes Me" Job 9-10

June 18, 2024
Job continues to declare his innocence. He knows on the one hand that no one can be right before God and on the other proclaim himself not guilty. He felt the crushing hand of God but he failed to realize that it was all for good purpose in his life. God was working to bring h...


"Circumstances Don't Define You" Job 8

June 13, 2024
Bildad hears Job's complaint and basically tells him he's full of hot air and needs to repent. We suffer in this life for many reasons. The first is that it is in a fallen state. There may be times when God uses our sinful choices to discipline us but even that is to conform u...


"In Anguish of spirit" Job 6-7

June 11, 2024
Job responds with a personal defense of his innocence and insist that it would be better to be dead than to suffer unjustly. The pride of his self-righteousness had led him to despair when the outcome wasn't what he felt he deserved. God doesn't promise His beloved children a l...


"Eliphaz: The Innocent Prosper" Job 4-5

June 06, 2024
Eliphaz is the first to respond to Job's lament that he had been born. He thinks he understand the reason for Job's suffering and that Job needs to turn back to God because it is only the guilty who suffer. He says some things that are true but much more that is in error not un...


"Why Me? Why Now?" Job 3

June 04, 2024
After seven days and nights in silent mourning Job begins to speak and bemoans ever having been born. He has a lot of questions about his sufferings. When we suffer loss or go through great trials death may seem like a good alternative but we learn that our God is good and lovi...


"Curse God and Die" Job 2

May 30, 2024
Satan was not satisfied with Job losing all of his material goods now he seeks his health. God permits him to afflict Job but not to take his life. With his body covered in sores, Job sits in the ashes seeking some comfort and his wife tells him to just curse God and die. Job ...


"Sovereignty and Suffering" Job 1:13-22

May 28, 2024
Job has a day full of bad news, he's lost all of his flocks and the lives of his children in what must have felt like a blink of the eye. His response was to worship. He understood that he served the Almighty God and his God was good. It doesn't mean he understood why all of t...


"Blameless Job" Job 1:1-12

May 23, 2024
Job is introduced as someone who is blameless and turns from evil. At this time God meets with the faithful angels and Satan is also still allowed to come into the presence of God. When God questions Satan he brings up Job as one example of a man who hasn't turned from God to e...


"David's Census" 2 Samuel 24

May 21, 2024
David in his old age commits a grievous sin in numbering the people of Israel. God prohibited it because the King's confidence was not to be found in self-sufficiency but in the knowledge it was God Almighty who fought for them and the source of victory. God gives David three c...


"Absalom Rebels" 2 Samuel 13-21

May 16, 2024
After killing his brother Amnon Absalom spends years in exile. When he finally returns to Jerusalem, he continues to feel the displeasure of the king. he develops a plan to steal the hearts of the people of Israel and eventually has himself anointed King in Hebron. David didn'...


"Amnon Had A Friend" 2 Samuel13

May 14, 2024
Amnon was one of King David's son's and he found himself desiring his beautiful half-sister. He knew it was wrong and couldn't figure outa way to be with her. but Amnon had a friend who was crafty and helped design a plan to be with his sister Tamar. he follows through with th...


"O God of My Salvation" Psalm 51:13-17

May 09, 2024
There is so much for the disciple to learn from Psalm 51. Repentance and confession have a place in the disciples lives. It isn't to get forgiven, we are already completely forgiven but to have a heart that is tender and responsive to the Holy Spirit in order to enter into a dee...


"Wash Me and I Will Be Clean" Psalm 51:1-12

May 07, 2024
Psalm 51 is David"s prayer of repentance to God after being called out by Nathan the prophet. He seeks cleansing and forgiveness trusting in the steadfast love and mercy of God.


"He Arose and Worshipped" 2 Samuel 12:15-25

May 02, 2024
When the child with Bathsheba was born it was afflicted by God. David laid down on the grown and cried before the Lord for a week. When the baby died he rose up, changed his clothes, anointed himself and worshipped the Lord. David worshipped the Lord even in this tragic death ...


"Nathan Confronts David" 2 Samuel 12:1-15

April 30, 2024
David was under the impression that his sins were kept secret when God sends Nathan the prophet to confront him and reveal to him the serious consequences of his actions. The Lord forgives David but he doesn't remove the consequences and they would be long lasting. We who have ...


"David & Bathsheba" 2 Samuel 11

April 25, 2024
In the spring when kings went to battle against their enemies David stayed home. He may have become overconfident in all of his successes. While home he saw from a woman taking a bath and she was beautiful. He realizes that she is the wife of one of his faithful soldiers but th...


"Mephibosheth" 2 Samuel 9

April 23, 2024
King David remembers his covenant with Jonathan. He discovered there was one son of Jonathan still alive but lame in his feet. David restores to Mephibosheth all the land of Saul and brings him to Jerusalem to eat at his table as one of his own sons. It is a beautiful picture ...


"The Lord Gave Victory" 2 Samuel 8

April 18, 2024
The Lord gave David victory over all of his enemies. All the surrounding countries became the servants of David and David gave the tribute to God. We believers can live a victorious life when we come to the end of ourselves and see the complete insufficiency of self-sufficiency...


"David's Prayer of Gratitude" 2 Samuel 7:18-29

April 16, 2024
Despite God not allowing David to build the Temple, he does receive many promises from the Lord and he lifts up a prayer of gratitude to the Lord God. David was so grateful for he understood that he was but a servant of the Lord and had been so blessed by God. I hope you will t...


"God's Covenant with David" 2 Samuel 7:1-17

April 11, 2024
King David was at peace having subdued his enemies and he is prospering in Jerusalem. His desire is to build a house to hold the Ark of the Covenant. It didn't seem right to him that he was living in beautiful home while the presence of God was in a tent. God prohibits David f...


"David Dances Before the Lord" 2 Samuel 6:12-23

April 09, 2024
King David brings the Ark into Jerusalem with great sacrifice and rejoicing. He was rejoicing, praising and dancing before the Lord. His wife Michal scolded him because she didn't think it was fitting for king to worship in such a manner. We are called to worship the Lord with...


"The Death of Uzzah" 2 Samuel 6:1-9

April 04, 2024
David desired to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. He didn't consult with the Lord about doing it or how to do it. He gathered his 30,000 men and they went down rejoice before the Lord as they put the Ark on a new cart. When one of the oxen stumbled Uzzah put his han...


"David Inquires of the Lord" 2 Samuel 5:17-25

April 02, 2024
When the Philistines hear that David is now King of Israel they come up to do battle with him. David's immediate response was to come to the Lord and see what was pleasing to Him. The Lord tells him to go fight and he will be victorious. A short time later the Philistines rall...


"David King of Israel" 2 Samuel 5:1-10

March 28, 2024
All of Israel comes to David to make him King over the entire nation. They anointed him king recognizing he had long ago been anointed by God. At the age of 30 he is called to be the shepherd of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital and begins to build the city. David was su...


"Abner and Joab" 2 Samuel 2-3

March 26, 2024
Abner Saul's general and Joab the leader of David's men continue a long battle. Over 7 years they fight brother with brother when Abner calls them to stop the fighting. Abner comes to David to make a covenant with him and to bring all of Israel under David. David agrees and se...


"David King of Judah" 2 Samuel 2:1-11

March 21, 2024
With the death of Saul David is now ready to take his place as King. He seeks the will of the Lord and is directed by God to go to Hebron where the tribe of Judah makes Him their king. David had been anointed King by Samuel as a young boy, he slew Goliath around the age of 15 a...


2 Samuel 1:17-27 "The Mighty Have Fallen"

March 19, 2024
David publicly mourns the loss of King Saul and Jonathan. Despite Saul's cruelty to Davide he freely forgives and exalts the King and morns his loss and the loss of his dear friend Jonathan. Jonathan and David shared a friendship and bond that was deeper that of a wife or even ...


2 Samuel 1:1-16 David and the Amalekite

March 14, 2024
David receives news of King Saul and Jonathan's death from an Amalekite who came to him with Saul's crown. He admits to taking the life of Saul at Saul's request and was most likely expecting a reward but he was put to death for taking the life of the Lord's anointed. It's neve...


1 Samuel 29-31

March 12, 2024
In the closing chapters of 1 Samuel we see God orchestrating events in bringing about His promises. Saul was afraid of the Philistines because he no longer had communion with God. David had fled and was living amongst the Philistines and would have to go battle his own people. ...


1 Samuel 28 "Saul and the Medium"

March 07, 2024
The Philistine had come up against Israel and Saul was afraid because God no longer came to speak to Him. In desperation he goes to a woman who practiced cultish arts and asked her to bring up Samuel from the dead so he could know what to do. The enemy is very crafty in using t...


"David Spares Saul's Life a 2nd Time" 1 Samuel 26

March 05, 2024
Saul comes looking for David with 3,000 men to kill him. This time David approaches the army's camp and see's Saul in the middle of the camp and all are asleep. One of David's companions ask permission to go and thrust his spear into Saul to kill him but David refuses. He unde...


"David & Abigail" 1 Samuel 25

February 29, 2024
Abigail was married to a foolish man, Nabal. He insulted David and his men and David was about to take matters into his own hands and kill Nabal and his servants but Abigail was discerning and sent gifts to David and met him on the way to stop the slaughter. He was working salv...


"David's Relationship With God" 1 Samuel 21-24

February 27, 2024
Saul continues to hunt David down to kill him but the Lord leads him to safety each step of the way. David had a dynamic relationship of seeking the will of the Lord and hearing the will of the Lord with a heart to obey. He trusted the integrity of God to keep His promises. Wh...


"Saul Attempts to Kill David" 1 Samuel 18-20

February 22, 2024
David had been anointed King and Saul knew he had been rejected by the Lord because of his disobedience. Despite all of this David waited on the Lord and faithfully served Saul. God prospered his way and Saul feared and hated him all the more. Saul in pride tried to hold on to...


"David & Goliath" 1 Samuel 17

February 20, 2024
The armies of Israel and the Philistines were arrayed for battle. Amongst the Philistines was a man of huge size over 9 feet tall and wearing armor weighing over 150lbs. He came out and challenged Israel to send out there best and let it be a 1 on 1 fight and the winner was to ...


"David Anointed King" 1 Samuel 16

February 15, 2024
God told Samuel to go an anoint a new king from the house of Jesse in Bethlehem. Jesse had 8 sons and 7 were presented before Samuel and Samuel thought for sure he knew who would be selected but the Lord told him that He was choosing a king not based on outward appearance but on...


"Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice" 1 Samuel 13-15

February 13, 2024
Saul failed as King because he didn't lead the people to strictly obey the Lord. On several occasions he heard the Lord's command and then made a slight variation that seemed to be expedient at the time. Samuel reminds all of us that God isn't interested in our sacrifices as mu...


"They are Empty" 1 Samuel 12:19-24

February 08, 2024
Samuel reminds the people to stay faithful in their service to the Lord for all other things leave us empty. To know the Lord is to have all we will ever need. He is our deliverance, savior, provider. Nothing else can give us what He gives to us. We need to remember the great...


"God was Your King" 1 Samuel 12:12-15

February 06, 2024
Samuel addresses the people and reminds them that when they asked for a King they were forgetting they already had God as their king and there rejection of God was evil. Despite their action they were told to serve and obey the Lord and it would go well with them but if they wal...


"Saul is King:" 1 Samuel 10:17-27

February 01, 2024
Samuel gathers all of Israel together and Saul is chosen by God before all the people to be king over Israel. Saul begins with great humility recognizing he was not up to the great task before him but God's Spirit was given to empower him for this calling and all ready the Lord ...


"A New Heart and A New Man" 1 Samuel 9-10

January 30, 2024
The Lord instructs Samuel to anoint Saul of the tribe of Benjamin to be prince over the people of Israel. He is described as the most handsome and tall man in all of Israel. When the Holy Spirit rushes on him, he receives power to do all the Lord would call him to do.


"Give us a King" 1 Samuel 8

January 25, 2024
Samuel was judge over Israel and he made his sons to follow in his place but they didn't walk in the same surrender as their father and were perverting justice by taking bribes. So, the people demanded they Samuel appoint them a king to rule over them. This was a disappointment...


"The Lord Thundered" 1 Samuel 7:7-17

January 23, 2024
As Judge over Israel Samuel led the people to confess their sins, put away all of their idolatry and enter into the victory they had been promised by God. They were afraid of their oppressors but the Lord was the one who fought for them. Just as He heard the cry of Samuel He he...


"Direct Your Heart to the Lord" 1 Samuel 7:1-6

January 18, 2024
The Ark of the Lord had returned to Israel but still not to its proper place. Samuel calls the people to turn away from all of their idols and give themselves to the Lord exclusively. It was time for them to live free from the bondage of their enemies but they would only experi...


"This Holy God" 1 Samuel 6

January 16, 2024
The Philistines were suffering under the hand of God and so they send the ark of God back to Israel with a guilt offering. They won the battle with Israel but they lost the war in the presence of God. They knew they could not stand in the midst of His holiness. We stand in His...


"The Hand of God was Heavy" 1 Samuel 5

January 11, 2024
The Philistines got more than they imagined when they took captive the Ark of the Covenant. God would not share His glory with any false god's of man's creation and he brings great affliction on the Philistines to the point all they can think of us is to send the ark back to Isr...


"The Ark Captured" 1 Samuel 4

January 09, 2024
G od's judgment comes upon Israel and they suffer a huge defeat by the Philistines and during the battle the Ark of the Covenant was taken captive. Israel was presumptuous with the presence of God. They falsely believed the presence of God would guarantee them victory regard...


"Speak Your Servant Hears" 1 Samuel 2&3

January 04, 2024
God's judgment is proclaimed on Eli and his wicked sons while Samuel begins to know the Lord in a new way. It was no longer about knowing about things or works of service but hearing the word of the Lord and walking in obedience. The Lord was with him and established him as a t...


"Hanna's Praise" 1 Samuel 2:1-10

January 02, 2024
Hanna gives praise and worship to the Lord for all of His provision and blessings. It is a beautiful reminder for each of us to remember all the Lord has done for us and is for us. He is worthy of our worship and praise.


"Samuel Worshiped the Lord" 1 Samuel 1:21-28

December 28, 2023
As a young boy Samuel was brought to the Tabernacle and began to serve the Lord. The scripture say's "And he worshiped the Lord there." We make a mistake to think of worship simply as a moving song service. To worship is to live a life in awe of God. To reverence Him as God a...


"Hanna's Prayer" 1 Samuel 1:1-20

December 26, 2023
Hannah comes before the Lord to plead for a child. She makes a vow that if the Lord will give her a son they she will lend him to the Lord as a servant to the Lord. Out of her grief and despair the Lord answers her prayers and gives her a son who will become Samuel the prophet....


"Victory in Defeat" Judges 16

December 21, 2023
Samson gave himself over to satisfying the desires of the flesh. He made allowances for himself that were inconsistent with his calling as a servant of the Lord. He saw the power of the Lord deliver him from many difficult circumstances but he made the false assumption that the...


"God's Power" Judges 15

December 19, 2023
Samson is growing in his understanding of the depth of God's power that was coming upon him to liberate Israel from the tyranny of the Philistines. No one understood the source of his power but he used this power in supernatural ways to harm the Philistines. In one instance he ...


Honey From the Lion "Judges 14

December 14, 2023
Samson in now an adult goes down to the Philistines to find a wife. His parents didn't understand why he was taking a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines instead of his own people but God was going to use it bring about an offense to begin bringing judgment on the Philistine...


Judges 13 "Samson the Nazarite"

December 12, 2023
Israel had been under the rule of the Philistines when God comes to a couple without child and promises them a son. They were given very clear instructions that he would be a Nazarite from conception to birth. They were given the gift of a son who would deliver Israel from the ...


"Gideon's 300" Judges 7-8

December 07, 2023
Gideon set's out with his army to fight the Midianites but God step by step reduces the number of soldiers who were with him to just 300. The Lord was purposefully bringing him to the place of weakness that He establish without a doubt the victory belongs to God alone.


"Gideon's Fleece" Judges 6:36-40

December 05, 2023
Gideon's faith is growing but still weak. He knows the task before him is a great one but he's still lacking confidence that God is able to use him. So, he puts God to the test two times and God does just as he request. We don't need to put God to a test or demand a sign in or...


"Gideon Destroys the Altar of Baal" Joshua 6:25-34

November 30, 2023
The Lord now commands Gideon to destroy the the Altar of Baal and place of worship that his father had and to make a sacrifice of a bull unto the Lord. He did it at night because he was afraid of the people. He was ready to obey but still fearful of people's reactions. Obedien...


The Call of Gideon" Judges 6:1-24

November 28, 2023
Israel had once again rebelled against the Lord and worshipped the false gods of the land. The result was they were under the oppression of the Midianites. In their despair they cry out to the Lord and God calls an unlikely person to lead them to victory. Gideon was full of fe...


"Another Generation" Judges 2

November 23, 2023
After the death of Joshua a new generation rose up who didn't know the Lord. The people had disobeyed the Lord in utterly destroying all the people and their places and as He warned they became a snare to them. They were in the promised land but they didn't know the God of the ...


"We Will Serve the Lord" Joshua 24:14-25

November 21, 2023
Just prior to his death Joshua reminds the people of their covenant with God. He admonished them to turn from all the false gods of Egypt and the lands they were being given by God. He stood firm that he and his house were committed to serving the Lord.


"Achan's Sin" Joshua 7

November 16, 2023
When Israel went to battle against Ai which was a small city they were defeated. As Joshua prayed the Lord revealed that one had defiled the sacred which belonged to the Lord. Achan confessed he had stolen that which belonged to the Lord and he was killed as a result. As belie...


"The Fall of Jericho" Joshua 6

November 14, 2023
The Lord's battle plan for Jericho was an untraditional one but it required faith on the part of Israel and was a great demonstration of the power of God. When the walls of Jericho came down by the power of God the city was devoted to destruction only the prostitute Rahab and he...


"What Does My Lord Say?" Joshua 5:13-15

November 09, 2023
As Joshua prepares to lead Israel in conquest a man appears before him with a drawn sword. When Joshua enquires if he is there for Israel or their adversaries, he identifies himself as the commander of the Lord's army. Joshua immediately falls down and worships as he is told he...


"Crossing the Jordan" Joshua 3-4

November 07, 2023
God demonstrates His great power for Israel in holding back the waters of the Jordan so this new generation could cross on dry ground. They were instructed to take 12 stones from the river to a memorial for them to teach their children the great work the Lord had done for them. ...


"Rahab and the Spies" Joshua 2

November 02, 2023
Joshua sends spies into Jericho to prepare for sending in the people. While there they are hidden by Rahab who was a prostitute. She reports that all the people know of God's great working on behalf of Israel and were filled with fear. The spies agree to preserve her life and ...


"That You May Have Good Success" Joshua 1

October 31, 2023
The Lord is building relationship with Joshua as he prepares to lead the people into the promised land. He promises again that He will go with them and will never leave them. He lays out for them the path to success. He was to stay in step with the instructions of the Lord, to...


"The Death of Moses" Deuteronomy 34

October 26, 2023
The Lord showed Moses all of the land that He had promised to give the descendants of Abraham and then Moses died. There was no man like Moses for he walked with God in intimate relationship. No other servant of the Lord would demonstrate the miraculous power of God like Moses ...


"The Lord Goes With You" Deuteronomy 31:1-6

October 24, 2023
Moses tells them to be strong and courageous for it is the Lord God who is going before them and will fight for them. He gives them the promise that He will never leave them or forsake them. Because we are in union with Him we can face every circumstance and challenge of live b...


"Choose Life" Deuteronomy 30:11-20

October 19, 2023
Moses is reinforcing the call to obey the Lord's commands and walk in His ways. He was not far from them but there with them. He pleads with them to choose life and good for God is their life. If they choose evil they will not remain in the land. The Gospel reveals to us that...


"A Sacrifice Without Blemish" Deuteronomy 17:1

October 17, 2023
In chapter 10 Moses told them they needed to circumcise their hearts. The heart of the Old Covenant was the blessings they would receive through obedience and the curses they would face as a result of disobedience. Jesus came to establish a brand New Covenant which was complete...


"For Your Good" Deuteronomy 10:12-22

October 12, 2023
The people are reminded once again that they are to fear the Lord and obey His command which are given for their good. He calls them to circumcise their hearts that they leave their stubborn hearts behind and serve Him who is King of kings and Lord of lords. He is our praise! ...


"Not Because of Your Righteousness" Deuteronomy 9:1-7

October 10, 2023
The Lord gives them the promise that they will cross the Jordon and defeat all of the nations in their path and they are to be completely destroyed. God was going before them as a consuming fire but it wasn't because of Israel's righteousness for they had been rebellious from t...


"Not Because of Your Righteousness" Deuteronomy 9:1-7

October 10, 2023
The Lord gives them the promise that they will cross the Jordon and defeat all of the nations in their path and they are to be completely destroyed. God was going before them as a consuming fire but it wasn't because of Israel's righteousness for they had been rebellious from t...


"A People Holy to the Lord" Deuteronomy 7:1-9

October 05, 2023
Moses reminds the people that when God gives them to the land that they must destroy all the idols and places of worship of the false gods and refuse to have any relationship with the people. They were a people whom He redeemed and loved. The New Covenant child is chosen by God...


"Love the Lord Your God" Deuteronomy 6:4-9

October 03, 2023
The greatest of the commandments was to love the Lord with all of their being. God had demonstrated His love for Israel in bringing them out of slavery. He further demonstrated His everlasting love in providing for them in spite of their frequent rebellions. As they prepare to...


"Seek the Lord" Deuteronomy 4:25-31

September 28, 2023
Moses continues to warn them not to rebel against God and go after idols that are nothing for they will be scattered from the land. He also reminds them that in their hardship if they diligently seek Him that God is merciful and faithful to His covenant. As believers we underst...


"A Consuming Fire" Deuteronomy 4:20-24

September 26, 2023
Here Moses reminds them to not forget the Covenant that has been established between God and them. He redeemed them from the horrors of slavery to be His own inheritance and He is jealous for them. Though we Christians live under a new covenant we too must remember the covenant...


"Keep Yourself From Idols" Deuteronomy 4:15-19

September 21, 2023
Israel is reminded that they had been led by the presence of God and there was no image that could be made by man that would represent their God. They were called to worship Him alone. The New Testament writers warn the followers of Christ to keep themselves from idols as well....


"Make Them Known" Deuteronomy 4:9-10

September 19, 2023
As Moses prepares to hand over leadership to Joshua who will take the people into the land he encourages them to remember the lessons they have learned and to teach these lessons to their children and their grandchildren so they will know the fear of the Lord and not allow their ...


"Look and Live" Numbers 21:4-9

September 14, 2023
Once again the people of Israel complain about their circumstances and despise the provision of the Lord. The Lord sent serpents into the camp and many died. They quickly acknowledge they have sinned and ask Moses to pray and He tells Moses to make a bronze serpent and place in...


"Speak to the Rock" Numbers 20:1-13

September 12, 2023
The wilderness journey was a place of many needs and designed to teach Israel to trust God in complete dependency. Instead of remembering the many times He provided for them miraculously, they complained. God told Moses to go the rock with his staff and speak to it to bring for...


"Don't Go Up" Numbers 14:39-45

September 07, 2023
The people mourned when they heard the judgment of God but they did not repent. They continued you to be stiff necked and rebellious to the commands of God. It is one thing to be sorry for the consequences of your sin and another to repent. To repent is to change directions, i...


"As I Live Declares the Lord" Numbers 14:20-38

September 05, 2023
God declares His judgment on Israel for their rebellion. When they were captivated by fear and forgot all the ways the Lord had shown them His great power they cried out that their children would become prey for the enemy. He tells them that just as they complained they would a...


"Let the Power of the Lord Be Great" Numbers 14:13-19

August 31, 2023
When the Lord tells Moses' He's going to destroy the people and start over and make a new nation from Moses, he immediately intercedes to the Lord. He recognizes it was the Lord's great power that had delivered them. He quoted to the Lord the word he received defining the Lord...


"How Long Will They Despise Me?" Numbers 14:1-12

August 29, 2023
The effects of the evil report by 10 of the 12 spies was to stir the congregation to rebel against the Lord. Despite their great experience the amazing power of God in their lives they were slaves to fear and missed out on the blessings of living as a beloved child of God. Fear...


"We Are Like Grasshoppers" Numbers 13

August 24, 2023
The Lord instructs Moses to send in 12 spies to inspect all the land He had promised to give to them. They spent 40 days and came back with a report that the land was exactly as described but 10 of the 12 only saw obstacles and danger and gave an evil report to the people. Josh...


"The Man Moses Was Very Meek" Numbers 12

August 22, 2023
Numbers 12 describes a time when Miriam and Aaron openly opposed Moses. They claimed for themselves equal authority and it was all stirred up because of their prejudice over his Ethiopian wife. Moses wasn't concerned about what his older sister and brother were but was a man se...


"Quail From the Sea" Numbers 11:24-35

August 17, 2023
The people had again complained about their circumstances and the lack of meat in their diet. They rejected God's provision of manna from heaven and said they had it better in Egypt. This not only vexed Moses but God and God sent them quail from the sea. They soon loathed what...


"Is the Lord's Hand Shortened" Numbers 11:16-23

August 15, 2023
In response to Moses feeling overwhelmed with the people of Israel and their complaints, He tells Moses to appoint 70 Elders. They appear before the Tent of Meeting and the Lord shares the anointing of Moses with each of them so they would stand with him and help carry the burde...


"The Burden is too Great" Numbers 11:10-15

August 10, 2023
Moses was feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities of leading the people of Israel with all of their complaining. Because he is in an intimate relationship with God, he knew he could come to God and confess the burden was too great for him. We think the key to victory in o...


"The Secret" Numbers 11:1-3

August 08, 2023
As Israel leaves Mt. Sinai they continue to hold onto the mindset of slaves and they openly complain to God about their circumstances. It's important that their every step was being led by the Lord. The Lord them to places of abundance and places of need trying to show them tha...


"His Face Shines" Exodus 34:29-35

August 03, 2023
When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after spending 40 days and nights in fellowship God his face shone with the glory of God. He brings with him two new tablets of stone and the Law of the Covenant. He didn't realize his was was shining and the people were scared so he began to...


"An Awesome Thing I Will Do With You" Exodus 34:10-17

August 01, 2023
While Moses is meeting with God on Mt. Sanai The Lord renews His covenant with Moses and Israel. He tells them He is going to do amazing things for them and destroy all of their enemies. All they were to do is obey His commands and when they conquered the land they were to dest...


"Take Us For Your Inheritance" Exodus 34:1-9

July 27, 2023
The Lord calls Moses back up to Mt. Sinai with two new tablets of stone so that He can replace the original tablets Moses broke in anger when seeing the people worship the golden calf. While in the presence of God, Moses is told of the everlasting love and forgiveness He is will...


"I Know You By Name" Exodus 33:17-23

July 25, 2023
The Lord's response to Moses' intercession was to remind him of the favor he had with God and he was known by name. They were walking in a relationship of intimate knowing. Moses had a heart to grow in a deeper experience of this intimate relationship with God. So, God the Fat...


"Makes Us Distinct" Exodus 33:12-16

July 20, 2023
Moses makes intercession with the Lord for himself and the people of Israel. He understood they needed the Lord to go with them and that His presence with them is what would make them unique amongst all other peoples.


"Friends Speaking Together" Exodus 33:7-11

July 18, 2023
As Israel traveled Moses would have the Tabernacle set up outside the camp. It was there for those who sought the Lord and where Moses would speak to God as one friend speaks to another. The people of Israel were separated from intimacy with God because of their being a stiff n...


"A Stiff-Necked People" Exodus 33:1-6

July 13, 2023
The Lord tells them it is time to leave Mt. Sinai. He affirms His promise to take them to a land filled with milk & honey and will fight for them to destroy all of their enemies but He will no longer go with them but only send an angel because they are a stiff-necked people....


"Book of Life" Exodus 32:25-35

July 11, 2023
Moses confronts the people with their great sin. While they are in chaos he calls out for those who are on God's side and the Levites come to his side. We make a mistake when we ask God to come on our side and bless our plans. As those who have been redeemed it should always b...


"Righteous Anger" Exodus 32:15-24

July 06, 2023
While God had wanted to destroy Israel because of their idolatry Moses interceded for them. When he arrived at the camp and saw the idol he broke the two tablets of stone written by God took the idol melted the gold, put it in water and made them drink it. We think of anger as ...


"A Golden Calf" Exodus 32:1-14

July 04, 2023
While Moses is on the Mount of God for 40 days and nights receiving instructions from God the people grow anxious and presser Aaron to create for them an idol they can worship and follow. Despite seeing the mighty hand of God in delivering them from slavery and committing themse...


"Sanctify the Sabbath" Exodus 30:12-14

June 29, 2023
The Lord sanctified Israel to be set apart to Him and they were to display this in the faithful keeping of all Sabbaths. They were to do no work on the Sabbath. It was a day set apart to God for communion with Him. The believer is sanctified by the perfect sacrifice of Jesus o...


"Gifted by God" Exodus 31:1-7

June 27, 2023
As Moses receives instruction for the building of the Tabernacle, he is told by God that certain men have been filled with His Spirit, gifted with skill and intelligence to make all of the garments and furniture for the tabernacle. God gifts each one of His children to function ...


"Whose Heart Moves Him" Exodus 25:1-9

June 22, 2023
God tells Moses to go before the people and take an offering for God so the people will have the supplies they need for a tabernacle so He may dwell in their midst. This is an invitation to participate in what God is doing in their midst. He provided everything they needed when...


"The Glory of God" Exodus 24:9-18

June 20, 2023
God calls Moses and elders to come before Him to experience His presence and fellowship with Him. The glory of God was presented as a great cloud over the mountain. It was a fearful sight for those who had not been invited into fellowship with Him. The glory of God appeared as...


"Worship From Afar" Exodus 24:1-8

June 15, 2023
The Lord confirms His covenant with Israel. Only Moses was allowed to come near to the Lord while the others worshiped from afar. The people were afraid of the Lord and they committed themselves keep all of the rules and commandments but they were unable. We will always have d...


"Make No Covenant With Them" Exodus 23:27-33

June 13, 2023
God gives Israel wonderful promises to fight for the people and to give them a wonderful land of their own. He is the one that will drive the enemy out and establish them in the land. He also warns them to make no covenant with the people of the land or allow any of conquered p...


"An Enemy to Your Enemies" Exodus 23:20-26

June 08, 2023
God promises to send His Angel before Israel to fight for them. They have the great promise that He will continue to lead them and if they obey His voice victory is there's to have. They are going into lands that are given over to idolatry and are told to bring to utter destruc...


"Feast & Offerings" Exodus 23:14-19

June 06, 2023
After the Lord gives Moses the 10 commandments, He gives them many rules regarding how they are to live amongst others. In Exodus 23 He gives them clear instructions on the Sabbath and describes 3 feast they are to keep every year. These feast are there to remind them of all th...


"The 10 Commandments" Exodus 20

June 01, 2023
In giving the 10 Commandments the Lord is setting the people of Israel apart from all the surrounding nations. He is God alone and therefore there are no other gods and to be no idols amongst them. The commandments are given to establish for them how they are to relate to Him a...


"Consecrate Yourselves" Exodus 19:7-25

May 30, 2023
God is preparing them to receive the 10 Commandments and the covenant He is ready to make with the people. The people tremble at the presence of the Lord and He tells them to wash and prepare themselves for this holy event. For any of them to come in the presence of God would m...


"On Eagles Wings" Exodus 19:1-6

May 25, 2023
The Lord brought Israel into the wilderness before Mt. Sinai to prepare them to receive the 10 Commandments. In preparation God gives Moses a message for the people to remember how He has cared for them in delivering them and the promises He is making to them if they will only o...


"Jethro's Advice to Moses" Exodus 18

May 23, 2023
Moses' father in law Jethro comes with Moses' wife and two sons upon hearing of their deliverance from Egypt and meets him on the Mount of God. He worships the Lord the one true God to celebrate their deliverance. After observing the great burden Moses carried ministering to th...


"Amalek Defeated" Exodus 17:8-16

May 18, 2023
As Israel continues their journey to the Promised Land they are confronted by Amalek who has come to do battle with them. This is the first battle Israel faces as a people. Moses sends Joshua to gather an army from the men and do battle while Moses goes up the mountain. When M...


"Water From The Rock" Exodus 17:1-7

May 16, 2023
God has once again led Israel to the place where there was no water and there reaction was to once again contend with Moses. They doubted the integrity of God to provide for them. The Lord once again demonstrates His power in having Moses strike the rock with his staff only to ...


"Mana From Heaven" Exodus 16:9-36

May 11, 2023
When Israel found themselves in need of food they once again complained against Moses and Aaron. They were still thinking like slaves and instead of going to God who had already demonstrated His mighty hand working on their behalf. In order to demonstrate to them once again tha...


"Grumbling or Trusting" Exodus 16:1-8

May 09, 2023
The journey through the wilderness is a time of testing for Israel. They knew about the God of their fathers but they still didn't understand His heart for them. They still had the mindset of slaves. When they faced a time of need, instead of trusting God they grumbled about h...


"Bitter to Sweet" Exodus 15:22-27

May 04, 2023
The Lord is leading Israel by the pillar of cloud and fire on the route that He Himself has chosen. He isn't taking them on the quickest route but the route He has designed for them to teach them that He is their sufficiency in all things. As they begin the journey the first s...


"Who Is Like You" Exodus 15:1-21

May 02, 2023
After the amazing experience of walking through the Red Sea and seeing the destruction of there enemy, they burst out in a song of praise proclaiming the greatness of God's power. Songs of praise are expressions of worship of God. It is right for us to exalt Him for He is our ...


"Passing Through The Red Sea" Exodus 14:15-30

April 27, 2023
The Lord told them that He would fight for them and He performs the amazing miracle of parting the Red Sea so Israel could escape the Egyptians. They passed through on dry ground and when they had crossed the Egyptians thought they too could pass through but the promises of God ...


"He Will Fight For You" Exodus 14:1-14

April 25, 2023
Israel has departed Egypt but the Lord still has many lessons to teach them. He doesn't take them on the shortest route to the promised land but encamps them next to the Red Sea and Pharaoh with hardened heart comes after them claiming what was not his to claim. Israel was stil...


"The Pillar of Cloud and Fire" Exodus 13:17-22

April 20, 2023
As the Lord leads Israel out of slavery He gives them festivals of remembrance to be passed on to all generations. These are to be reminders for them and their descendants of all He has done and help them to lose the mindset of slave and see themselves as the people of God. He ...


"Thrust Out of the Land" Exodus 12:33-51

April 18, 2023
Just as God had promised the people leave the land of Egypt. Just as God had promised they would leave with the riches of Egypt. God is faithful to all of His promises. After 430 years in Egypt the people of Israel had grown into a nation. A small group went into the land und...


"A Great Cry" Exodus 12:21-32

April 13, 2023
The 10th plague falls on Egypt and everyone was affected but the people who had obeyed the Lord, slain the lamb and applied the blood as God directed. The first born of man and beast were dead as a part of God's judgment upon the gods of Israel and Pharaoh for the enslavement of...


"A Lamb Without Blemish" Exodus 12:1-20

April 11, 2023
In Exodus 12 the Lord gives Israel very clear instructions on how the Passover was to be prepared and followed. They were to prepare a lamb for sacrifice and there was to be no blemish on the sacrificial lamb. We who come to God are all blemished but the sacrifice must be witho...


"Egypt's Final Warning" Exodus 11

April 06, 2023
Exodus 11 lays out the final warning God has for Pharaoh and the people of Egypt. The final plague will cause a great despair amongst the Egyptians for the firstborn male of all men and cattle will die on the same meaning. God was going to give the Hebrews favor with the Egypti...


"Darkness" Exodus 10:21-29

April 04, 2023
The ninth plague to come on Egypt is complete darkness. It is a darkness that can be felt. Only the Hebrews had light in all of the land. This goes on for 3 full days before Pharaoh is willing to once again approach the idea of letting the people go and serve the Lord but he's...


"The Locust" Exodus 10:1-20

March 30, 2023
The plague of the locust is the 8th plague to come upon Pharaoh and Egypt. Pharaoh is given a stern warning of the destruction of what is coming and even his advisors were encouraging him to send the people away but he refused to humble himself before the Lord. When the locust ...


"Whoever Who Feared the Word of the Lord" Exodus 9:13-35

March 28, 2023
The Lord brings down on Pharaoh and Egypt a great thunderstorm. The hail brings great destruction on the people and land. God is using this to reveal His greatness amongst the world. These judgments should have convinced Pharaoh to repent but he was blinded by pride. There we...


"Pharaoh and His Hard Heart" Exodus 9:1-12

March 23, 2023
The fifth and sixth plagues come on Egypt with clear distinction between the Egyptians and the Hebrews. God is demonstrating His great power over all of the idols of Egypt and the tyranny of Pharaoh. These judgments continue to come on them because Pharaoh was holding on to tho...


"Gnats and Flies" Exodus 8:16-32

March 21, 2023
The third and fourth plagues come on Egypt as first gnats and then flies that take over the country. The magicians of Pharaoh are unable to duplicate this miracle and tell Pharaoh it is evidence of God's mighty power. God makes a clear distinction between the Egyptians and Isra...


"The Frogs" Exodus 8:1-15

March 16, 2023
The second plague to come on Egypt was the land being over run with frogs. Pharaoh promised to let the people go but as soon as Moses made intercession for him and the frogs died, he changed his mind and refused to listen to God. The Egyptians had an idol they worshipped with t...


"The Nile Turns to Blood" Exodus 7:14-25

March 14, 2023
The first plague to come on Egypt was God turning the Nile River into blood. Pharaoh had caused the death of many young Hebrews by having the baby boys into the Nile. God is showing that He truly is the Lord God Almighty but Pharaoh continues to harden his heart. Pharaoh's mag...


"He Would Not Listen" Exodus 7:1-13

March 09, 2023
Moses and Aaron once again come before Pharaoh and display for him the miracle of the staff turning into a serpent. Pharaoh's magicians were able to do a similar trick but Aaron's staff consumed all of theirs. Still Pharaoh hardened his heart just as God said he would. All of ...


"I Am the Lord" Exodus 6:1-13

March 07, 2023
God's plan to deliver His people was not altered by the simple rejection of Pharaoh. God reminds Moses of who He is as the Lord God Almighty, Jehovah. He was going to fulfill His covenant with His people Israel and Moses would lead them out of slavery and bondage but first a gr...


"Why Did You Send Me?" Exodus 5

March 02, 2023
Moses and Aaron appear before Pharaoh to proclaim the Lord's word and they are rejected. Not only does Pharaoh refuse to let them go he brings even greater affliction on them by requiring them to find their own straw to make the same number of bricks. With the people in great d...


"A Bridegroom of Blood" Exodus 4:18-31

February 28, 2023
Moses begins his journey down to Egypt with his family given the assurance that all those who sought to kill him were already dead. While on the way the Lord God stops him because he had failed to circumcise his sons. His wife is quite upset because she has nothing like circumc...


"I Will Be Your Mouth" Exodus 4:1-16

February 23, 2023
Moses has many excuses for not receiving God's calling to go to his people as God's representative. He had lost all of his self-confidence over the last 40 years as a shepherd in exile. It is important for all of us to remember, God doesn't call us because of what we have to of...


"I Am Who I Am" Exodus 3:13-22

February 21, 2023
The Lord presents Himself as "I Am" who is the uncreated, eternal, almighty God of the people of Israel. God is sending Moses to the elders and promising him the elders will listen to him and go before Pharaoh but Pharaoh will harden his heart until the Lord delivers them by His...


Exodus 3:7-12 "Who Am I?"

February 16, 2023
In this passage we see that God sees the suffering of His people and is intent on delivering them. He calls Moses to go to Pharaoh but Moses questions why God would send someone as insignificant as him. He promises that He will go with Him and that Moses will not only lead the ...


"Holy Ground" Exodus 3:1-6

February 14, 2023
Moses had spent 40 years shepherding the flock of his father-in-law. After murdering an Egyptian and fleeing into exile it would be easy for him to think he had missed his opportunity to be used of God. God rarely acts in the time frame we hope for but it is always the best. 4...


"Moses Saved and Moses Lost" Exodus 2

February 09, 2023
Chapter 2 tells the story of faith of Moses' parents in saving their newborn son from death. They hid for 3 months and they his mother trusting God, made a small ark for him and left him in the river where God directed Pharaoh's daughter to see him and show pity. She adopts him...


"The Evil One Expressed" Exodus 1

February 07, 2023
While Israel prospered in Goshen a new King comes to the throne and is intimidated by the Israelis strength in the land. We can see very clearly that he is inspired by Satan because he is seeking the destruction of the children of God. As the children of God we must never forge...


"Judgment and Glory" Isaiah 66:15-18

February 02, 2023
On the last day all the nations will be brought together for the final judgment. Isaiah describes it as a judgment of fire. God's judgment is an expression of His love and brings about His glory. Our small minds may struggle with judgment but the greatness of God is expressed ...


"Humble and Contrite" Isaiah 66:1-3

January 31, 2023
The Lord God is the Sovereign creator or all creation and lacking nothing. He doesn't need anything from us to be complete or whole but He does desire relationship with us. He didn't need a temple, offerings or sacrifices. He desires only our obedience for He desires our best....


"Before They Call" Isaiah 65:17-25

January 26, 2023
Here the Lord declares through the prophet the promise of a new creation, a new heaven and a new earth. It is a new creation free from all the stain of sin and its horrible, destructive effects. Death, violence, sorrow will all pass away and all will be as the Lord intends. Un...


"Choose Wisely" Isaiah 65:12-14

January 24, 2023
In this passage the Lord proclaims again that there are serious consequences for their choosing to rebel. He called them and they refused to answer; He spoke to them and they refused to hear. The consequences of sin are severe. Life is all about choices and choices have conseq...


"Here I Am" Isaiah 65:1-2

January 19, 2023
The Lord announces the result of Israel's persistent rebellion is the opening of His hands to the Gentiles. He is the seeker of the hiders. It isn't that we were looking for Him but He came seeking us. When Adam and Eve hid they didn't seek the mercy of the Lord but the mercy ...


"Polluted Garments" Isaiah 64:4-8

January 17, 2023
Isaiah calls them to remembrance, that there is no God like our God. There is no god that works in such amazing ways as our God. He had delivered Israel with His might hand and when we were enemies He sent His Son to deliver us and give us life. We are not worthy of a Savior b...


"God's Love Fights For Us" Isaiah 63:9-10

January 12, 2023
In times of affliction it is easy to feel all alone and wonder where God is or why He is allowing us to go through this suffering. We are reminded that when we are afflicted He is always with us. It is difficult for us to understand the wrath of God because we miss understand t...


"My Delight" Isaiah 62:1-5

January 10, 2023
The Lord is faithful to all of His promises. He makes us righteous and the expectation is that all will see the righteousness and light being expressed through His people. He gives us a new name. Our new name describes our character. Because He saves us and makes us new creat...


"Rejoice and Exult the Lord" Isaiah 61:10-11

January 05, 2023
There is great reason to rejoice and give praise to God for Messiah has come to bring us healing, deliverance and righteousness. We aren't necessarily rejoicing in our circumstances but in the Lord who is always working on our behalf. We rejoice knowing He has not only saved us...


"Anointed to Bring Good News" Isaiah 61:1=-2

January 03, 2023
Jesus reads this passage in the synagogue at the beginning of His ministry and tells them He is its fulfillment. Jesus' life was missional, God the Father sent God the Son, empowered by God the Spirit to remove all the obstacles to our being in relationship with Him. The Gospel...


"My Refuge" Isaiah 57:13

December 29, 2022
The Lord rebukes Israel over the futility of their idols. They will cry out for help and their trust in the false gods will be revealed as complete futility. Those who put their trust in the Lord are those who are secure. In our time we need to remember that anything we bow do...


"The Foreigner" Isaiah 56:1-8

December 27, 2022
The Lord proclaims that He will accept all who come to Him. He has come for the outcast. He will gather not only the outcast of Israel but of the world. He has come for more than just Israel but is the Savior of the world. He breaks down all the barriers and removes the separ...


"He Abundantly Pardons" Isaiah 55:6-11

December 22, 2022
Here is the call to return to the Lord and receive forgiveness and pardon. We are warned not to delay but see our urgent need for Him. Our ways and thoughts are completely insufficient to give us what we need. We are to finite to comprehend His workings and so, we are called t...


Isaiah 55:1-3 "Everyone Who Thirst"

December 20, 2022
Here we see God's call to all who thirst for righteousness. The Gospel is an open invitation to all of humanity to come and find satisfaction in Him. We come to Him, Jew and Gentile spiritually bankrupt and He gives us all we will ever need. There is no reason at all to look f...


"The Lord Has Laid On Him" Isaiah 53

December 15, 2022
In this chapter we see a vivid description of the suffering of Messiah to bring forgiveness, peace and righteousness to mankind. Isaiah obviously was seeing this as applied the remnant of Israel that had been promised redemption. However, as we look back on the ministry of Jesu...


"Beautiful Feet" Isaiah 52:7

December 13, 2022
Isaiah proclaims the beauty of those who bring the Lord's message of peace, happiness and salvation. Those in captivity needed Good News of their return to their land. At the birth of Jesus the Angel of the Lord came to proclaim Good News of the Savior. The apostles went thro...


"Wake Yourself" Isaiah 51:15-17

December 08, 2022
God wants His children to understand that He alone is in control of all things. He is the one who stirs up the sea and causes the waves to roar all for the designed purpose of showing us our need for Him. We fall into a drunken state of illusion when we think this life is all a...


"My Righteousness" Isaiah 51:1-6

December 06, 2022
Our God is a God of redemption and reconciliation. He offers to the faithful remnant that His promises our secure. He offers to us the promise of His righteousness which is the only true righteousness. The Bible is clear that all of our righteousness is like a filthy rag. We ...


"A Certificate of Divorce" Isaiah 50:1-2

December 01, 2022
The Law only allowed for divorce in the case of immorality. Israel and Judah had both gone after other lovers in their pursuit of idols. Though God called them to repentance they refused. They went into captivity because of their persistent rebellion. God was completely justi...


"Engraved on His Hand" Isaiah 49:13-16

November 29, 2022
When we are going through difficult times it is easy to feel like God has abandoned us. When we journey through great valleys in life we must remember that the Lord Himself has promised that He will never forget us. He promises to never leave us or forsake us, for He lives in u...


"I Will Make You As A Light" Isaiah 49:1-7

November 24, 2022
It is a beautiful moment when the child of God realizes the Lord knew them by name and has a mission for their lives while still in their mothers womb. Isaiah was called to be a light to Israel and call them back to the Lord. Every follower of Christ finds true fulfillment when...


"For My Own Sake" Isaiah 48:9-11

November 22, 2022
The grace of God is evident throughout the Old Testament. God is faithful to His covenant not because of our faithfulness but because His nature is to be faithful. He disciplines His children as an act of love to prepare them for the future. Though they had profaned His name i...


"I Will Do It" Isaiah 46:8-13

November 17, 2022
The Lord rebukes Israel for their idolatry and calls them to remember what had brought them to this place of peril and captivity. Despite all of their rebellion He was going to accomplish all of His purposes and fulfill all of His promises. The promises of God are our security ...


"I Will Not Remember Your Sins" Isaiah 43:22-25

November 15, 2022
The Lord desires relationship with His covenant people. He completely deals with the issue of our sin to ensure our ability to be in relationship with Him. He blots out the record of our sins and chooses to remember them no more, all as a gift of His grace. This beautiful gift...


"You Are Mine" Isaiah 43:1-4

November 10, 2022
The Lord wants His children to know they are His precious possession. He promises to never abandon us and protect us for He is our ever-present Savior. He does this not because we are good or obedient but because we are His beloved children.


"Servant, Chosen, Friend" Isaiah 41:8-10

November 08, 2022
Isiah frequently rebukes Israel in their rebellion and warns the neighboring nations of judgment but he comes back to remind them in all the chaos of God's faithful promises. All of these promises are ours in Christ. We too are His servants, we too are His chosen people and we ...


"Behold Your God" Isaiah 40:9-11

November 03, 2022
The people of God are called to be overwhelmed by the greatness of God that they freely and boldly proclaim the Good News. He comes to us as the Good Shepherd to gently care for His sheep. He lays down His life for us to give us His life now. This is Good News that needs to be...


"The Word of our God" Isaiah 40:1-8

November 01, 2022
Isaiah had just told them of the future captivity in Babylon and now the Lord has him proclaim a message of comfort. The Lord is faithful to all of His promises even in our rebellion. He foretells of the ministry of John the Baptist and the Messiah who will bring complete forgi...


"Hear the Word of the Lord" Isaiah 39

October 27, 2022
Envoys come to King Hezekiah from Babylon with gifts. After their departure Isaiah proclaims the word of the Lord that all of Hezekiah's possessions will be taken into Babylon and even some of his own sons will be eunuchs in the palace of Babylon. Strangely he was perfectly con...


"I Have Seen Your Tears" Isaiah 38

October 25, 2022
King Hezekiah becomes ill and Isaiah the prophet tells them he need to get things in order because he's going to die. Hezekiah goes to the Lord in prayer asking for an extension of his life and the Lord gives him the promise of 15 more years and performs a marvelous miracle as e...


"Do Not Be Afraid" Isaiah 36 & 37

October 20, 2022
As King Hezekiah works to reform Judah and tear down all the idols that had led the people astray the King of Assyria invades the land. He tells them not to resist for he is on a mission from God. He tells them not to trust the horses or chariots of Egypt for there is no help t...


"Be Gracious to Us" Isaiah 33:2

October 18, 2022
In the midst of turmoil Isaiah reminds the people that God is going to fulfill all of His promises. They were being oppressed by kings whose language they didn't understand but one day they would see the King of Glory. All of this is a gift of God's grace. He is our Lord, the ...


"King of Righteousness" Isaiah 32

October 13, 2022
When we look out at the chaos of the world it is easy to fall into despair. Isaiah reminds us that our King rules in righteousness. There is a day coming when He will bring everything into subjection to His authority and we who are His saints will rule and reign with Him over a...


"Trust In The Lord" Isaiah 31:1-3

October 11, 2022
When faced with adversity Israel began to look to Egypt for deliverance instead of the Lord. They looked for their own solutions instead of consulting the Lord. All the solutions of men are just flesh and not Spirit. We who are the children of God must never forget that our se...


"Bread of Adversity" Isaiah 30

October 06, 2022
Despite the stubborn rebellion of Israel God continues to deal with them as children. Their rebellion was leading them on a path of bondage and heartache. At all times He continues to love, be gracious and merciful. God's love is expressed in His discipline of us. He loves us...


"The Potter and The Clay" Isaiah 29:16

October 04, 2022
It's so easy for us to question God and what He is doing or permitting in our lives and the world. We forget that we are His creation and He alone is the creator. He is sovereign over all and has no need to answer our question. I believe He answers our questions frequently but...


"Their Hearts" Isaiah 29:13-14

September 29, 2022
The Lord understood very clearly that the people came before Him with false profession. They said the right things and they listened to the word but they had absolutely no intention of obeying Him. They had accepted religious substitutes taught by men to feel good about themsel...


"Christ the Cornerstone" Isaiah 28:16-17

September 27, 2022
Isaiah proclaims the word of the Lord that He was going to establish a foundation, the perfect cornerstone in Zion. Those who entrust themselves to Him will not be put to shame. Jesus is the very cornerstone upon which all is built. He is our source for all and the foundation ...


"You Have Done For Us All Our Works" Isaiah 26:12-13

September 22, 2022
The prophet realized all of the great victories of Israel were the mighty working of God. The believer is not left to his own resources to try and do great works for God. God gives us His life in order to do great and mighty works through us. He is our sufficiency. We are eac...


"The Desires of our Soul" Isaiah 26:7-9

September 20, 2022
The Lord gives us the gift of righteousness through faith in the finished work of the cross. Because we are righteous our lives are to reflect this in how we live in the world. Knowing we are His beloved children and righteous transforms our desires. When we allow Him to live ...


"Whose Mind is Stayed on You" Isaiah 26:3-4

September 15, 2022
There is a wonderful promise of perfect peace for those whose mind is fixed on the Lord. The world can seem quite chaotic and life can be full of tribulation. In these times we are reminded that Jesus is our peace. Despite all of the turmoil He removed all of the obstacles to ...


"He Swallows Up Death" Isaiah 25

September 13, 2022
In this chapter Isaiah unfolds the faithfulness of God. We look out at the world and it can quite bewildering and yet we have the beautiful promise that He is working and in control of all things. He has a great feast prepared and on that day death will be destroyed and every t...


"The Lamb The Ruler" Isaiah 16:1-5

September 08, 2022
Isaiah here describes the reign of Jesus as the Lamb of God. When Jesus was early in His ministry John the Baptist pointed his followers to Jesus and proclaimed, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." But the Jewish people weren't looking for a lamb they...


"I Will" Isaiah 14:12-16

September 06, 2022
This passage partially describes the fall of Lucifer. It was all rooted in "I will." Satan was deceived by pride and fell by asserting his own desires and will. In the end he will be cast into the lake of fire for eternal destruction. Jesus teaches us the opposite. In the ga...


"The Lord Is My Strength" Isaiah 12

September 01, 2022
This is a beautiful chapter of praise to the Lord for who He is for us. It all begins with us being thankful for who He is and all does for us. We don't have to fear any circumstances because He is our salvation. We are called to proclaim His great deeds to the world.


"The Root of Jesse" Isaiah 11:1-9

August 30, 2022
The prophet foretells of a time coming when a new king will arise from the line of David and will rule with a perfectly righteous reign. There will be perfect peace and complete freedom from danger. He speaks of the coming millennial kingdom of Christ.


"Questioning God" Isaiah 10:15

August 25, 2022
In this chapter Isaiah foretells of the judgment that will come upon Assyria even though they are being used by God to accomplish His will in discipling Israel. They are about to go into captivity and the Lord promises them a remnant will return. In the middle of the chapter ve...


"To Us A Son Is Given" Isaiah 9:2-7

August 23, 2022
Here Isaiah receives a prophecy that foretells of the coming Messiah who will establish the eternal throne of David. He calls us out of darkness into His light. His kingdom is not some future event it is now in each of our lives as we receive Him and allow Him to rule and reign...


"Don't Walk in the Way of this People" Isaiah 8:11-15

August 18, 2022
The Lord warned Isaiah not to follow the path of rebellious Israel. They were on path of destruction. The rebellious people were full of fear and dread. We who are His children have no need to fear or dread for He is our God and working on our behalf. The Lord was a stumbling...


"God With Us" Isaiah 7:10-15

August 16, 2022
Isaiah comes to the King Ahaz but he is uninterested in the Lord's promises or deliverance. He proclaims a sign that a virgin will conceive and bear a son and His name will be Immanuel which is God with us. Jesus is the fulfillment of this wonderful promise. In all of life, we...


"Whom Shall I Send" Isaiah 6:8-13

August 11, 2022
Isaiah having see the Lord in His holiness and receiving cleansing hears afresh the calling of God. When he declared woe is me and understood his own need, with God's forgiveness was fully surrendered to do His will. As the children of God we have the great privilege to hear th...


"Woe is Me" Isaiah 6:1-7

August 09, 2022
In this passage we see a turning point for Isaiah. He could see very clearly the sin, corruption, chaos and judgment coming on the land but he didn't recognize his own need. When we lose hope in the future, we need to remember God is still on His throne in perfect holiness. A ...


"Woe is You" Isaiah 5:8-24

August 04, 2022
Isaiah continues his declaration of woe on the people of Israel. All of the problems they were currently facing and the exile to come were the direct result of their rejecting and despising God and His word. They were living a self-centered and self-absorbed life. They saw God...


"Woe to the Wicked" Isaiah 3:8-15

August 02, 2022
In chapter 3 Isaiah declares woe and judgment of the people. The people had become so brazen in their sin, they no longer hid it but celebrated it. They were in complete defiance of God's presence. To sin is to bring evil upon one's self. Israel would suffer greatly for their...


"Against All The Proud" Isaiah 2:8-17

July 28, 2022
In the second chapter Isaiah warns of the Day of the Lord in which He is going to deal with the idolatry and pride of Israel. Pride caused them to be blind to their sin and foolishness. They forgot their place as the called out people of God and began bowing down to figures of ...


"Love Incorruptible" Ephesians 6:19-24

July 21, 2022
In closing the epistle Paul ask for their prayers that he would be bold in his presentation of the Gospel. We have the great privilege of prayer and those who go for us and teach us need our faithful prayers. In the end we remember it is all about Him. His incorruptible love f...


"The Whole Armor of God" Ephesians 6:10-18

July 19, 2022
To put on the whole armor of God is another way to say, put on Christ. He gave His life for us and to us, that He might be our source for all. We are called to find strength in Him. Our utter dependence upon Him is the answer to all the schemes and fiery darts the enemy has fo...


"Bondservants & Masters" Ephesians 6:5-9

July 14, 2022
While we live in a much different time and culture Paul's instructions to bondservants and masters still has a great deal of application in our lives. As the children of God all that we do we do unto the Lord. How we live in the world matters and so as an employee we serve our ...


"Fathers and Children" Ephesians 6:1-4

July 12, 2022
It is interesting that Scripture places the responsibility for spiritual growth and discipline as the responsibility of fathers. The Christian follower is to be careful not to provoke his children to anger but to nurture them in a relationship with the Lord and prepare them for ...


"Husbands Love as Christ Loves" Ephesians 5:25-33

July 07, 2022
The husband has the great responsibility in the family to love his wife as Christ loves the church. This might seem humanly impossible but because He gave His life to us, it is always Him-possible. To love your wife with this selfless, sacrificial giving is to love yourself. T...


"Submitting Ourselves" Ephesians 5:212-24

July 05, 2022
As we live in community we understand that each of us are called to seek the good of others. We no longer assert our own desires but seek what is in the best interest of others. Submitting ourselves to one another is all about living an interdependent life in the body and this ...


"Filled With the Spirit" Ephesians 15-20

June 30, 2022
We are reminded to be very intentional in how we live in the world. We are to wise and careful to make the best use of the time we have in this life to proclaim our King and advance His kingdom because the days are evil. The controlling force of our lives is to be the Holy Spir...


"Wrath from Love" Ephesians 5:6

June 28, 2022
The wrath of God flows from the love of God for the preservation of His children and Kingdom. All that God does flows from who He is and He is love. He has no wrath for His children for Jesus has taken all of our sin and transgressions and put them upon Himself on the cross. T...


"Walk as Children of Light" Ephesians 5:8-14

June 23, 2022
The way we live in the world is to be a reflection of who we are and whose we are. Because we are now children of the light that is to be evident in the way we live. We no longer serve self but seek only that which is pleasing to Him. Because we are light it exposes what is hi...


"Let No One Deceive You" Ephesians 5:3-7

June 21, 2022
There is an absolute distinction between how the sinner and the saint lives in the world. While all kinds of immorality, covetousness and filthy language are perfectly normal in the system of the world they have no place in the lives of those who are citizens of His kingdom. Th...


"Imitators of God" Ephesians 5:1-2

June 16, 2022
Because we have His divine life in us our lives are to be expressions of His life. To be imitators of God is not us trying our best to look like God but our surrender to His indwelling presence and allowing Him to express His life through us. We know this is becoming experienti...


"Don't Grieve the Holy Spirit"

June 14, 2022
Paul gives us an important reminder that we give the devil and opportunity to entangle us and at the same time grieve the Holy Spirit in us when our attitudes and actions don't reflect who He is in us and how He desires to live through us. He calls us to put off all that is cont...


"Speak Only What Builds Up and Gives Grace" Ephesians 4:27-29

June 09, 2022
In this section we are reminded that there are several ways in which we can give the devil and opportunity in our lives. One of those in forgetting that our lives are to be missional and the reason for working is not accumulating more but enabling ourselves to help others. Then...


"Be Angry and Sin Not" Ephesian 4:25-27

June 07, 2022
Paul spends a lot of time reminding of who we are in Christ and whose we are so that we will see clearly what attitudes and actions suit us as the beloved of God. Since we have put away falsehood then we are liberated to speak the truth in love to others. Our lives are missiona...


"The New Self" Ephesians 4:17-24

June 02, 2022
We should not be surprised when we see the sinful patterns of the unbeliever. They are living out of their sinful nature because they are alienated from the life of God. They have hardened their hearts to His gift of freedom and life. The believer, however, is to live a comple...


"Growing Up" Ephesians 4:14-16

May 31, 2022
Spiritual maturity isn't about how long we've been believers but expressed in how we have come into a responsive relationship with His indwelling life and seek to be expressions of His love and life to others. Paul calls us to grow up so that we won't be easily deceived by false...


"Equipping the Saints" Ephesians 4:11-13

May 26, 2022
Jesus gave gifts to His people, the church, in order to prepare them for the ministry He calling each one of them to. Every child of God is called to be a minister and we gather together that those gifted with a special office would use their individual gifts to prepare others f...


"Ascended and Descended" Ephesians 4:7-10

May 24, 2022
Jesus left Heaven, took on human flesh and journeyed to the cross in order to restore us to relationship with the Father. He paid the price for our sin and after giving up His life as the perfect one-time sacrifice for sin, went to the grave and on the 3rd day rose again as our ...


"The Worthy Walk" Ephesians 4:1-6

May 19, 2022
All who are in Christ are one in Him. How we relate to one another and live in world must be an expression of His divine life in us. When we allow Him who is our life to live His life through us it is always going to look, act and sound like Him.


"The Love of Christ" Ephesians 3:14-21

May 17, 2022
Christ love for us is the foundation of all. He gave His for us, so He could give His life to us and therefore be the source for all we would ever need in us. As we are rooted in His love we will be strengthened in the inner man.


"Boldness and Access with Confidence" Ephesians 3:1-13

May 12, 2022
Paul who at one time had been a persecutor of the church had been brought to Christ and transformed. He who at one time had been a very zealous Jew was not the apostle to the Gentiles. He understood it was his stewardship of God's grace to proclaim to the Gentiles what God had ...


"Access to the Father" Ephesians 2:15-22

May 10, 2022
In Christ there is no longer Jew and Gentile. God abolished the Law and all the distinctions in order to reconcile Jew and Gentile into one body through faith in the finished work of the cross. We are now citizens of His kingdom and members of His household with direct access t...


"He Himself our Peace" Ephesians 2:11-14

May 05, 2022
God didn't choose us because we were good or had something to offer Him or even what we might do for Him in the future. We were all alienated from God without hope. It is there He came to be our perfect sacrifice. Through His shed blood we are brought into intimate relationshi...


"Rich in Mercy, Great Love" Ephesians 2:1-10

May 03, 2022
First comes the bad new. We were all sinners and following our selfish desires, children of disobedience as the spiritual children of the devil. But God! He is rich in mercy and has great love for us and brings us the gift of salvation by grace through faith. If that weren't ...


"Immeasurable Power" Ephesians 1:19-23

April 28, 2022
Paul so desires the believers to understand they have not been left to their own resources. They have the same immeasurable, great power that raised Jesus from the grace and put Him on His throne at the right hand of the Father in complete dominion over all. This is the power i...


"Love, Wisdom, Revelation" Ephesians 1:15-18

April 26, 2022
Paul heard of their faith and the fruit of their faith was love for others. He gives thanks and prays that God will fill them wisdom and bring them revelation of all they have in Him and all He desires to do through them.


"The Holy Spirit Guarantees our Inheritance" Ephesians 1:11-14

April 21, 2022
When we believe the Gospel we receive a beautiful inheritance in Him. We receive the Holy Spirit who is His life in us and the guarantee that we will receive all that God has promised us. It is never about our faithfulness but His. This is what gives us great security.


"Adopted, Redeemed, Forgiven" Ephesians 1:5-10

April 19, 2022
The will of the Father was to be in relationship with us and so He sent His Son to pay the price we could not pay in order to redeem us to Himself by the shedding of His own blood and secure us to Himself as beloved sons, completely forgiven so nothing could ever change our relat...


"Chosen, Holy Blameless" Ephesians 1:3-4

April 14, 2022
Paul reminds us that we have now all spiritual blessings in Christ. He chose us before the foundation of the world to be in Him holy and blameless before Him in love. This liberates us to a life of intimacy with Him knowing He is the initiator and securer of our relationship. ...


"Grace & Peace" Ephesians 1:2

April 12, 2022
Grace and peace are inseparably linked. There is no peace with God or experience of the peace of God apart from receiving the fullness of His grace. Grace removes all that hindered our being in beautiful relationship with the Father and Son. Whenever you find yourself to exper...


"Grace & Peace" Ephesians 1:2

April 12, 2022
Grace and peace are inseparably linked. There is no peace with God or experience of the peace of God apart from receiving the fullness of His grace. Grace removes all that hindered our being in beautiful relationship with the Father and Son. Whenever you find yourself to exper...


"Saints" Ephesians 1:1

April 07, 2022
Paul identifies the believers as saints. It is absolutely important that we recognize that when we are born-again we receive a new nature. We become the possession of God and have His life in us. This makes us a holy people. It doesn't we can't sin, it simply means we are no ...


"Should Not I Pity?" Jonah 4:5-11

April 05, 2022
Jonah sits outside the city of Nineveh hoping for its destruction. He was full of anger and hatred for his enemies and wanted nothing but their judgment. He was full of self-righteousness and was blind to his hypocrisy in desiring grace and mercy for himself and his people but ...


"Do You Do Well To Be Angry" Jonah 4:1-4

March 31, 2022
Amazingly Jonah's response to the grace, mercy and love of God toward the Ninevites in their repentance was bitterness. He certainly understood the beautiful character of God but he didn't want his enemies to be recipients of what he had so freely received. It is always dangero...


"When God Relents" Jonah 3

March 29, 2022
Jonah receives the word of the Lord for the people of Nineveh the second time and goes into the city proclaiming destruction to come in 40 days and the people called out mightily to God in repentance and God showed them great mercy. We must never forget that God calls each of us...


"Salvation Belongs to the Lord" Jonah 2

March 24, 2022
In the belly of the fish Jonah cries out to God and the Lord hears his prayer. There is no place or time that our Lord doesn't hear our prayers. Not only does He hear our prayers but He delivers us. Salvation belongs to the Lord. If we were the authors of salvation we could c...


"In the Belly of the Fish" Jonah 1:11-17

March 22, 2022
The seaman didn't want to do harm to Jonah even when they understood he was the reason their lives were in peril. Jonah tells them to throw him overboard and though they were reluctant they obeyed and the sea was calm and they feared the Lord greatly and made sacrifice to the Lo...


"I Fear the Lord" Jonah 1:7-10

March 17, 2022
While the unbelieving seaman were trying to identify who was responsible for the danger they found themselves in they discover that Jonah is guilty of attempting to flee from the presence of the Lord. He identifies himself as a Hebrew and one the fears the creator God. This sti...


"I Fear the Lord" Jonah 1:7-10

March 17, 2022
While the unbelieving seaman were trying to identify who was responsible for the danger they found themselves in they discover that Jonah is guilty of attempting to flee from the presence of the Lord. He identifies himself as a Hebrew and one the fears the creator God. This sti...


"When God Sends A Storm" Jonah 1:4-6

March 15, 2022
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Jonah Runs from God's Commission Jonah 1:1-3

March 10, 2022
Jonah was a prophet of God but he didn't have God's heart for the world. God commissions him to go to a people and warn them but he heads in the opposite direction trying to flee the will and purposes of God, failing to realize there is no escaping the presence of God.


"Examine Yourselves" 2 Corinthians 13:4-5

March 08, 2022
In closing out his letter to the church Paul calls them to examine themselves to ensure they are in the faith. He wanted them to have assurance they were truly those who had entrusted themselves to Jesus and were indwelt with His life. This indwelling power is our great privile...


"My Grace Is Sufficient" 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

March 03, 2022
We all want to be strong and healthy but Paul shares with us the important lesson he received from the Lord. He was being afflicted and he prayed 3 times for God to deliver him but the Lord only responded, "my grace is sufficient for you." Paul learned to be content in his weak...


"Satan Disguises Himself" 2 Corinthians 11:13-15

March 01, 2022
Paul reminds us to be a discerning people. Not everyone who comes in the name of God is from God. There are those false teachers who boast about themselves and promote themselves in order to profit themselves and lead the church into deception. Just as Satan disguises himself ...


"Comparing Ourselves" 2 Corinthians 10:12

February 24, 2022
Paul had to defend his spiritual authority because false teachers often attacked him. He refused to compare himself to others and reminds us that is never wise to compare yourself to any other. All that we are and have comes to us from God as a gift of His grace. It is never a...


"Divine Power" 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

February 22, 2022
We must remain keenly aware of the spiritual battle that is taking place. It is easy to think that our problems are all physical, other people but we are ultimately in a spiritual battle and we must wage this war with the divine power God has given us to break down the spiritual...


"The Grace of God" 2 Corinthians 8:1-7

February 08, 2022
When you think about the grace of God, do you think about giving? Paul tells the Corinthian believers of the beautiful example of the Macedonian Christians who gave sacrificially in spite of their afflictions and poverty. Their passion was the King and His kingdom and they want...


Bringing Holiness to Completion" 2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1

February 03, 2022
Paul reminds us that we are the temple of the living God and that changes how we live in the world. We have the wonderful promise of His indwelling presence. As His beloved children we must not allow ourselves to be distracted from our King and His kingdom. Instead we cooperat...


"New Creation" 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

February 01, 2022
When we put our trust in His finished work on the cross, He transforms our very being. To be in Christ is to be a new creation. We are no longer sinners separated from God but reconciled to Him. It is all through His beautiful work on our behalf. He became what we were, sinne...


"Aim to Please Him" 2 Corinthians 5:6-10

January 27, 2022
How we live in the world as disciples of Jesus matters. While Paul faced frequent hostility and even death; he wasn't afraid of death because that would just mean a greater experience of the presence of Christ. The aim of our lives is to please Him in all things. Paul reminds ...


"Jars of Clay" 2 Corinthians 4:7-11

January 25, 2022
The beauty of the Gospel is that is always about Him, His finished work on the cross, His faithfulness and His life being expressed through us. We believers are not the focus, we are often weak but He lives in us in order to express His great power through us. We are never left...


"House Built on the Rock" Matthew 7:24-27

January 20, 2022
To be a hearer of Jesus' words but not a doer is to build a life a faulty foundation. He tells us that when we hear and apply these truths to our lives it is building life on a solid foundation. He is the rock on which disciples are to build their lives. He gave His life to us...


"I Never Knew You" Matthew 7:21-23

January 18, 2022
Jesus encourages the people to be discerning for their are many false prophets then as there are today. We know the tree by the fruit not what they profess. He tells them that there are those who do many mighty works in His name that don't truly know Him. To truly know Him, no...


"The Narrow Gate" Matthew 7:13-14

January 13, 2022
Immediately after giving the people what we call the "Golden Rule" He tells them the gate that leads to destruction is easy and wide. He calls them to enter the narrow gave, though difficult, it leads to life. The narrow gate is only hard in that it is only entered into by grac...


"The Golden Rule" Matthew 7:12

January 11, 2022
With the Golden Rule Jesus establishes a new paradigm where we don't treat people as they treat us but we treat others as we desire to be treated. This is the fulfilment of the Law. It isn't a reciprocal relationship but one that flows from His indwelling presence. He lives in ...


"Ask, Seek, Knock" Matthew 7:7-11

January 06, 2022
Jesus invites us into an intimate, trusting relationship with our heavenly Father. We are invited to come to Him with boldness and confidence knowing that when we ask, seek and knock. He hears us and gives us every good gift.


"A Log In My Eye" Matthew 7:1-5

January 04, 2022
Jesus tells us very clearly that we are not suited to be judges. It doesn't mean that we abandon discernment but we refuse to put ourselves in the place of judging others. Most of our judging of others is a way of avoiding our own issues. Jesus calls those who have a log in th...


"He Values You" Matthew 6:25-30

December 30, 2021
Jesus tells us to be anxious for nothing. Look at the birds and the flowers of the field. Clearly our Father takes care of them are we not more valued than they? Of course we are. We know our worth and value to Him by what He was willing to pay for us. The Father saw you and...


"Two Masters" Matthew 6:24

December 28, 2021
Jesus tells His listeners that no one can serve two masters. You will end up loving one and despising the other. Our hearts can only be devoted to one. He tells them you can serve God or money but not both. This is a message our world needs to hear because many fail to realiz...


"Advent Conspiracy" Merry Christmas

December 23, 2021
Christmas is a wonderful time to celebrate the birth of our Savior and the beautiful gift of eternal life through faith in His finished work. I encourage you to make this Christmas and ever Christmas about the Christ, our King and His kingdom. I invite you to participate in our...


"Where's Your Heart?" Matthew 6:19-21

December 21, 2021
Jesus calls those who would follow Him to not follow the hopeless pattern of the world and invest all of their treasures in earth. Treasures invested in the world can't give us the security we hunger for. He calls us to lay up treasures for ourselves in Heaven where there is tr...


"When You Give" Matthew 6:1-4

December 16, 2021
Jesus wanted them to understand that giving wasn't to be done to impress others but to be done in secret. The way of the world is to give in order to attract attention to oneself or to try and show how they are better than others but Jesus says those people have their reward. O...


"Loving Your Enemies" Matthew 5:43-48

December 14, 2021
Jesus teaches those who would follow Him that there is a completely different way of thinking and living in the world as His disciples. While the religious world they lived in told them to love their neighbors and hate their enemies; He calls them to love their enemies. To be a...


"He Came to Fulfill" Matthew 5:17-20

December 09, 2021
Jesus tells them that His purpose in coming was not to do away with the Law but to fulfill it. The purpose of the Law was not to show us a path to righteousness but to show us the sinfulness of our sin and our desperate need for a Savior. Through His perfect sacrifice on the cr...


"Salt and Light" Matthew 5:13-16

December 07, 2021
Christ who is the light of the world, puts his life in us that He might shine His light through us. We must be very careful that we don't get distracted by various things that end up serving as a basket that hides the light in us. Each of us are called to be salt and light in t...


"Hunger and Thirst" Matthew 6:6

December 02, 2021
It is interesting how the human condition is never satisfied. We always seem to want something more or something better. We have misconstrued the blessed life with the accumulation of more. Jesus reminds us that those who are truly blessed and truly satisfied are those that hu...


"Favor and Good Success" Proverbs 3:1-6

November 30, 2021
It is so important for us to remember the truth of God's word and remember that all of His commands are centered in His love for us. When we walk in surrendered obedience to His indwelling presence we experience all of His promises and peace the world doesn't understand. We can...


"There is Freedom" 2 Corinthians 3:12-18

November 25, 2021
Paul reminds the readers that there very religious people whose hearts were hardened to the Gospel of Jesus because they were trying to establish a righteousness apart from Christ. It was though there was a veil over their understanding. The veil is only removed from Christ. W...


"If You Confess With Your Mouth" Romans 10:1-13

November 23, 2021
Paul reminds them that the offer of salvation is freely offered to all who will receive the gift of righteousness by faith. To entrust yourself to His death, burial and resurrection as the perfect sacrifice for sins is to recognize that He is Lord. He alone has the right to rul...


"Peace of God" Philippians 4:4-7

November 18, 2021
Paul reminds us to rejoice always because we are never left to our own resources. He lives in us and we can trust that He is working all things for our good. When we find ourselves anxious it reminds us to surrender all things to His care. To give thanks and know that He is wo...


"Ministers of the New Covenant" 2 Corinthians 3:4-6

November 16, 2021
God gave His life to us that He might live His life through us. We don't make ourselves sufficient or qualified to represent Him but He most certainly does. He has called each one of us to ministers of the New Covenant. The Spirit of God in us, living through us, proclaims to ...


"The Aroma of Christ" 2 Corinthians 2:14-16

November 11, 2021
Christ secured for us a life of victory not defeat. As we allow Him who is our live to live His life through us it isn't one of constant defeat but of conquering. Our lives are to be a sweet fragrance of His life. When we allow Him to live through us it always, looks, sounds a...


"I Will Fear No Evil" Psalm 23

November 09, 2021
In this psalm we see that God is our Good Shepherd. He supplies all we ever need and always leads us in path that is in perfect harmony with who He has made us to be as His children. That doesn't mean a life without challenges. There are times we will find ourselves walking th...


"All the Promises of God" 2 Corinthians 1:20-22

November 04, 2021
We have the assurance of all God's promises not because we are faithful but because He is faithful. We have nothing to boast about. He who died as us and for us that He might live through us works through us for His glory. He has anointed each of us for the great privilege of ...


"My God Will Supply" Philippians 4:14-19

November 02, 2021
If we can trust God with our soul, can we trust him with our money? The answer is obvious but it is often very difficult for us because we see the money, the possessions as ours. When He purchased us to Himself, the reality is, all that we have is His and we are simply His stew...


"You are a God of Seeing" Genesis 16

October 28, 2021
In this chapter we read the story of how Sarai decides to help God fulfill His promises and it all goes wrong. She gives her maid to Abram to produce a child and it all goes sideways. Hagar is fleeing from Sarai and we see how God pursues her in the wilderness. Hagar discovers...


"The Love of the Lord Never Ceases" Lamentations 3:20-26

October 26, 2021
Jeremiah writes this book in a time of great despair for himself and the nation of Israel. I love how he talks about in this time of humility he remembers the character of God and reminds the people of the steadfast love and mercy of God. He is our hope. It is never about our ...


"Seek First" Matthew 6:31-34

October 21, 2021
It is really easy for us to follow the pattern of the world and make our pursuits in life the same as the world. To think life is all about what we can accumulate, how we can secure our future, and live a life of comfort. Jesus tells us not to be anxious about the future or all...


"Delight Yourself in the Lord" Psalm 37:1-5

October 19, 2021
There are times when you look into the world and it seems like the wicked prosper. This psalm reminds us not to fret about what we see going on in the world or allow ourselves to be envious. We are called to trust in the Lord, commit ourselves to Him and trust that He will and...


"I Will Be With You" Isaiah 43:1-2

October 14, 2021
God doesn't promise a life free from trials or hardships but He does promise to be with us through it all. We don't have to live in fear because is the one who formed us, called us, redeems us. He knows us by name. He is the one who pursues us and promises to never leave us. ...


"Count it all Joy" James 1:2-4

October 12, 2021
What is your response to trials and hardships? James reminds us to count these things a joy. It is a very different thing than happiness. Happiness is based on our circumstances but joy is deeper, it is an inner peace and contentment knowing that our Abba is working in ever ci...


"He Bore Our Sins" 1 Peter 2:24-25

October 07, 2021
We need to hear the gospel all the time. We need to be reminded the good news is not only did Jesus die on the cross to forgive us of our sins and give us a heavenly home. He gave His life for us so He could live in us and live His life through us. It is Good News to know that...


"What are you Thinking About" Philippians 4:8

October 05, 2021
As believers we need to be very careful with what we allow ourselves to think about. The things we think affect how we feel and act. Paul calls the believers to think on those things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and commendable. We shouldn't be focused on the l...


"I Know My Plans for You" Jeremiah 28:10-14

September 30, 2021
The prophet Jeremiah had a very challenging calling. There doesn't seem to be any evidence that people responded to his message but he remained faithful to calling the people to remember the promises of God to them. They suffered horrible consequences due to their rebellion, ho...


"Power Perfected in Weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

September 28, 2021
We all want to be strong because we see that we see that as the pathway to success. Paul reminds us that it isn't our strength that glorifies God but our utter dependence on Him that glorifies God. It is His grace that meets us in our insufficiency and reveals His power in our ...


Jesus sums everything up with His disciples

By Tim Ekno
May 27, 2021

Hi Friends,  Jesus sums everything up with His disciples with the commandment to love one another in the same way that He has loved them. It is essential for us to live as those who are loved fully, completely and unconditionally or we will never find ourselves able to love...


How do you see yourself as a child of God?

By Tim Ekno
March 21, 2021

Hi Friends, How do you see yourself as a child of God? Many Christians think of themselves as sinners saved by grace. It is true that we were all born sinners but when we receive Christ as our life we receive a new nature. We are now saints. It doesn't mean we never sin it just ...


God has equipped you to be a vessel of love

By Tim Ekno
April 30, 2020

Hi Friends, God has equipped you to be a vessel of love and life to the world. We aren't sufficient in ourselves but He is our sufficiency. He is our source for all. He has set us free from the demands of the Old Covenant. The New Covenant is not about our performance but His on...
