Faith Kids

Birth to 5th Grade. From our youngest babies to our oldest 5th graders, we create environments that engage every age group at their developmental level, while helping children discover and experience who God is and who they are in Christ. We hope your family will join us!

Our services

New Paragraph

Birth thru first grade

Kid's Sunday School

9:00 am

Birth thru first Grade

Kid’s Church

10:00 am


To point children to the God who made us, who loves us, and who calls us each by name to be a unique expression of Him.

Our Philosophy

When it comes to the spiritual development of children, we believe that:

  • Spiritual development can and should begin from the earliest age.
  • Parents who know Christ are called to be the primary nurturers of their children’s faith (Deuteronomy 6) and that the faith community is called to play a supportive role in this endeavor (Ephesians 4).
  • We must remain dependent on the Holy Spirit to bring about spiritual growth and formation when and as He chooses (Philippians 2:13).

Our Values


We believe each and every child is a unique gift from God. We seek to help children come to the point of asking Christ to live in them and to understand who they are in Christ.


We want children to passionately pursue a relationship with the Father. We hope to teach them that prayer and communion with Christ are the first things to turn to in all situations.


The lessons we teach will help children learn the truth of His Word and grow in their own spiritual walks.


We want to ignite a passion for God’s purpose, enabling your children to be a light to the world. We want them to know that God will delight in using them to accomplish His plans.


Our ministry is to strive to support and encourage parents in their roles as their child’s primary spiritual leaders.


We seek to provide a safe, secure, loving and fun environment that will help children experience Christ’s love for them.


We hope to offer children a sense of belonging to their church family by connecting them with adult leaders and other children who are a living expressions of Christ’s love.

Safety & Security

We hold the safety of our families and our children in the highest regard. Each weekend, we follow these guidelines to insure the protection of all our classrooms, volunteers and our children.

  • ONLY volunteers on duty and parents of children on site are allowed to enter the children’s service areas.
  • Parents or guardians sign in their children by providing their child’s name and their own cell phone number (in case of emergency).
  • No one but parents may enter the children’s area.
  • We must remain dependent on the Holy Spirit to bring about spiritual growth and formation when and as He chooses (Philippians 2:13).
  • No volunteers are allowed to be alone with a child and all classrooms are equipped with windows.
  • No male volunteers are allowed to change diapers or take children to restrooms.  Female volunteers on bathroom runs must first check the bathroom before allowing kids to enter
  • Parents who wish to stay in the classroom with their child are allowed to do so, but are not allowed to take another child to the restroom or change another child’s diaper.

Safety & Security

To ensure the health of children and volunteers, we ask that sick children not attend Faith Bible Kids classes. If a child becomes ill during the service, the second teacher (or assistant) should bring the child to the office and contact his/her parents to come and get the child. The American Academy of Pediatricians recommends that a child should not leave home when any of the following symptoms are present:

  • Fever (over 100.4 degrees), vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
  • Excessive or colored runny nose
  • Any communicable disease


Parents are asked if a child has any allergies during their first time to register.  Allergies will be noted. Snacks are served during each service.  We do keep some special foods on hand, however, in the case a child’s allergies are severe.  It is a good idea for the parent to bring a special snack.


Teachers use positive interactions to promote appropriate behavior and participation from children.  Behavior problems are rarely an issue.  However, if a child is disruptive to the group, a teacher may remove the child from the group to speak with him/her – allowing the child to return when he/she is ready to participate.  If the child continues to disrupt the class, the parents will be notified.

Contact Ray Zapata if you are interested in serving in the Faith Bible Kids program.

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