"Moses Saved and Moses Lost" Exodus 2

"Moses Saved and Moses Lost" Exodus 2

February 09, 2023

Chapter 2 tells the story of faith of Moses' parents in saving their newborn son from death. They hid for 3 months and they his mother trusting God, made a small ark for him and left him in the river where God directed Pharaoh's daughter to see him and show pity. She adopts him as her own. Moses grows up in the palace with all of the benefits of education, training and rank but he never forgets his identity as a Hebrew. He understood his life had meaning and purpose and one day seeing a fellow Israeli being abused by an Egyptian and thinking he knew the best way to deal with the problem killed a man. The murder was discovered and Pharaoh put a death sentence on Moses and he fled to Midian. God was going to spend the next 40 years refining Moses, that he would be ready to be a servant of the Lord God Almighty.

