Prayer Wall

Homeless Needs - A team has been working the past couple of days taking soup/hot chocolate to the homeless in San Antonio and some items to help keep them warm during the storm. There were so many, you wouldn’t believe it and they were not the stereotypes we tend to think. They are literally dying out there on the streets. One guy we prayed for showed a wall with 15 names on it and said the 15 names were friends of theirs who had died just since November. Heartbreaking! 7 prayed to accept Christ. What more we can do? There are so many. An Amazon Gift registry has been setup with things like socks, hats, scarfs, blankets, and such to collect items to help them. There is currently a team set up and able to take the items out there. We need to raise awareness and let people know that this is a really easy way to make a big difference. Please continue to share and help get the word out. The quicker we can get items in, the quicker we can get them out to help. Thanks in advance. Below is information to the registry site to share and get more involved.
3 people prayed for this request!

Rita Weber
Please pray for Enosh, our mission partner in India, who is receiving death threats from Hindu extremists because of his Christian beliefs and his mission work. Enosh, his wife, Shruti, and their two young children, need God’s protection, wisdom, and favor in this dangerous time when many other Christians in India have already lost their lives.
5 people prayed for this request!
