"Speak to the Rock" Numbers 20:1-13

"Speak to the Rock" Numbers 20:1-13

September 12, 2023

The wilderness journey was a place of many needs and designed to teach Israel to trust God in complete dependency. Instead of remembering the many times He provided for them miraculously, they complained. God told Moses to go the rock with his staff and speak to it to bring forth water but instead Moses struck the rock in anger at the people two times. The water did come forth. Because Moses disobeyed God he would not be able to lead the people into the promised land. When faced with difficult circumstances it might be our default to complain and worry instead of remember the abundant provisions and promises of God. The rock represents the coming Christ who will be struck down on the cross. It is, however, a one time sacrifice and there is no need for another. As a result we only need to come to our Abba with our needs and speak with Him our needs and desires.

