"As I Live Declares the Lord" Numbers 14:20-38

"As I Live Declares the Lord" Numbers 14:20-38

September 05, 2023

God declares His judgment on Israel for their rebellion. When they were captivated by fear and forgot all the ways the Lord had shown them His great power they cried out that their children would become prey for the enemy. He tells them that just as they complained they would all die in the wilderness and only those 20 and under would enter the promised land with the exception of Joshua and Caleb for they had a different spirit and desired to obey God. All of the rest of the adults who came out of Egypt would die in the wilderness. Their faithlessness caused them to miss out on the promise of God. In the New Covenant we know that we are completely forgiven because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross. We have the promise that even when we are faithless He is faithful for He cannot deny Himself and we are united to Him. There are, however, consequences for sin and the believer can miss out on the experience of the promises of God when they refuse to walk by faith.

