"Our Inheritance in Abraham" Galatians 3:15-18


"Our Inheritance in Abraham" Galatians 3:15-18

Legalism can be very deceiving because it appears to be all about being good. The Pharisee's thought they were being good when they rejected Jesus; the Judaizers thought they were being good when they tried to impose the Law on the Gentile Christians; modern legalist thing they are good when imposing Christian rules and principles on the church. The church isn't to be the place where the good people meet to learn how to get better but the place where the guilty people who've been redeemed meet to prepare themselves to reach out to the guilty but yet redeem with the Good News that Jesus took all of our guilt so we could be made righteous through faith in His perfect sacrifice. We become the children of Abraham through faith and not works. The covenant God made with Abraham can't be changed or annulled by any. We are New Covenant Christians through faith in Jesus' finished work on the cross and there is nothing to be added to His perfect sacrifice on our behalf.
Sunday, February 19, 2023

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