"I chose You to be Vessels of Love" John 15:16-17


"I chose You to be Vessels of Love" John 15:16-17

When we find life in the vine the result is that we bear fruit. We are to live in the world as those who are loved. We live out of divine friendship as vessels that express His love. Here Jesus reminds us that we didn't choose Him but He chose us. He is the initiator of the relationship and He is the one that sustains us. He is our security. He didn't choose us ignorant of who we were but fully knowing all of our weaknesses and failures He chose us to reveal His life through us. It isn't about what we have to offer Him but what He has to offer us. He chose us, He appointed us to be His representatives in this hurting world. As Ambassadors of Christ we don't present our own positions or opinions but those of Christ. We have been given the great promise of knowing when we come to Him in prayer seeking His will that we will be empowered to do, say, go and give all that He desires to do through us. In the end this always looks like a people who love in the same selfless and sacrificial way He has loved us.
Sunday, September 5, 2021

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